Migrate from Socotra Testnet to Juneo Mainnet

CAUTION : Updating your node to mainnet will make your chains and supernets created on Socotra inaccessible.

1. Stop your node

Depending on how you run your instance you should stop it, accordingly.

a. Running the node manually

Access the window where you are running the binary ./juneogo and stop it with Ctrl+c.

b. Running the node using the Install Script

As you run your Node as service you need to stop it with systemctl.

sudo systemctl stop juneogo

c. Running with juneogo-docker

You can stop your docker with the following:

1) Go to juneogo-docker

2) Run docker-compose down

2. Backup your node

Carefully backup your Node if you participated to incentivised testnet! Otherwise you can loose your allocation. ( You only need to backup the Node ID )

It's recommended to save your staking files in a different location than juneogo or juneogo-docker directory.

Follow the guide Node Backup and Restore and if you have any issues or question reach us on the Official Discord.

3. Update binaries

DANGER : Be sure to backup your node BEFORE doing the next steps.

a. Running the node manually

Go to the github juneogo-binaries repository and download the latest version of these files:

- juneogo
- jevm

Connect to your server through a SFTP agent and copy paste the new files.

To grant execution permissions of the binary files, please execute the following commands:

chmod +x ~/YOUR-PATH/juneogo
chmod +x ~/YOUR-PATH/plugins/jevm

b. Running the node using the Install Script

Use only this command if you have followed our Install Script

Use the following command on your server :

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juneo-io/juneogo-binaries/main/update.sh)

c. Running with juneogo-docker

Go to the Juneogo directory: juneogo-docker and run these commands:

git checkout origin/main ./juneogo/juneogo
git checkout origin/main ./juneogo/.juneogo/plugins/jevm

If it doesn't work you can try to run git stash or to clone it again by following Set up steps.

4. Restart your node

By running your node as usual you will now bootsrap the Mainnet.

You can check that your node is bootsrapped through the regular curl request.

Last updated